Live memorable experiences while you take care of yourself

Invigorate your body and mind on a trip that allows you to combine leisure and relaxation with wellness and aesthetic treatments, practiced by certified professionals!

Portugal has a health system of high clinical and technological quality, which guarantees reliable medical care and rehabilitation, with excellent value for money.

As a result of accumulated experience, at Wellness Travel Therapy we collaborate with a network of prestigious clinics and highly qualified doctors, so that you have at your disposal excellent health care.

Improve your appearance in a natural, discreet and healthy way and return invigorated from vacation .

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cirugia plastica

Portugal has a health system of high clinical and technological quality, which guarantees reliable medical care and rehabilitation, with excellent value for money.

As a result of accumulated experience, at Wellness Travel Therapy we collaborate with a network of prestigious clinics and highly qualified doctors, so that you have at your disposal excellent health care.

Improve your appearance in a natural, discreet and healthy way and return from vacation invigorated.

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Our Surplus Value


Aesthetic intervention is an intimate and very personal act. We ensure complete privacy for each patient at all stages of treatment


We have partnerships with renowned clinics and highly specialized medical teams, as well as hotel units so that you may have all the comfort


At Wellness Travel Therapy, along with health care, you will be able to go on tours in Portugal and enjoy unforgettable moments of leisure

Improve your health and well-being

Dental Practice


Pediatric Dentistry






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Plastic Surgery


Face Surgery



Intimate Surgery

Liposuction Lifting



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